Welcome to the OGS Store
Ozarks Genealogical Society is proud to announce that we are now offering our many OGS Publications via a digital PDF format. If you are doing family research in Southwest Missouri, especially Greene County, then you need to check these out. Each document file is WORD searchable through OCR (Optical Character Recognition) Software which makes searching through many of these documents much easier.
The Publications are split into 9 categories. All categories, except Census and Miscellaneous, have the publications listed for individual sale or for a special savings in $avings Bundles. If you have many ancestors in this part of the country, then the Bundles are the way to go. SAVE $$$
The Census category is only available in Bundles and the Miscellaneous category is only available for individual document purchase.
Please have a look at the inventory and see what would satisfy your research needs. Maybe they can help you bust through that genealogical brick wall!!
After you complete your purchase you will be notified by email (within 5 days) as to the procedure to download your documents. Thank you!
These publications were the result of many hours of work by past and present OGS member volunteers. In the past OGS offered these items in paperback form. But, as the times have changed OGS felt it necessary to change the format so that we could continue offering them to you. We are indebted to the hard work, diligence and genealogical expertise of every person that worked on these publications over the years. Thank you!
Listings: 1 to 1 of 1
Why write a history of OGS?
...to celebrate the 50th anniversary 1969-2019
...to highlight the mission of OGS
...to recognize the founding members and the charter members
...to develop and encourage membership
...to instill pride for what OGS has accomplished
...to bring awareness to those interested in family research
The history is being told by using the words of the previous members found in newsletters, minutes and committee reports. Pictures were gleamed from the scrapbooks. What has been included and what has not been included has been my decision. Everything and everyone is not included because there are not enough pages to give proper recognition to each and every member.
The History of OGS 1969-2019 identifies the many accomplishments made by members volunteering their time and their money to enhance the mission statement.
-Gail Mitchell, OGS Vice President 2019
Chair, Special Committee for researching and writing the history of OGS
Last Updated: 27 April 2019